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  • Programación para el análisis de datos en ciencias sociales.
    • Programming for Social Science Data Analysis undergraduate class at the Social Science Department at Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU). The course is an introduction to how to structure, explore, analyze, model and visualize data using R. Syllabus
  • Introducción a la Programación en R
    • Introduction to Programming on R short course at UCU’s Winter School on Methods and Data Analysis.
  • Medición y Diseño de Investigación
    • Introduction to scope and methods of political science undergraduate class, co-taught with Fabricio Carneiro at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UDELAR.
  • Comportamiento político
    • Mass Political Behavior undergraduate class at the Social Science Department at UCU. The course is an introduction to the main literature and theoretical and methodological debates on mass political behavior.

Teaching Assistant

  • TA for Peter Enns’ Survey Methdology short course at UCU’s Winter School on Methods and Data Analysis. Syllabus